Writing: It’s more than just scrambling thoughts
Here’s a reality check…
When I tell people that I am a professional writer, I mostly receive a warming reaction. But they also say “Of course, as it is you have a good thought process” and “Oh sure, you have a knack with words”.
Sorry to break your bubble! Writing is much more than just scrambling down thoughts or having a knack with words.
Sometimes, I also meet the not so unimpressed people. “Oh what’s so special about it,” they say, “Yeah, yeah- you only have to write, anyone can do it.”
I may not be saving people at hospitals. I may not be serving on the borders. I may not even be building rockets. But hey, writing is equally important.
How else do you think people would come to know about your accomplishments?
You got to have someone to document them for you (Unless, of course, if you don’t want to get recognised).
Writing is not just…
- Having personal opinions
- Having a good thought process.
- Having a knack with words
- Having a book and pen in hand
While all of these are important, it takes so much more than that. We writers, just like doctors or soldiers or any other professional, need the discipline. And our discipline is equally hard to maintain.
- We have set up things and plan concerning priority
- Work for the deadline
- Have the right buffer
- Release or publish the written material and finally, analyse it
There are 100s of content formats- We pick the most relevant one. Make sure of the right tone. Keep a perfect theme.
So that you can resonate with it- Yes right, only the right information is never enough!!
And at the end of any day, all of these is just the tip of an iceberg.
The written content goes through many layers until you read it. It goes through errors, cuts, checks and a wide thought process.
It is never easy to get the right process of writers’ to-do list-
However, here are a few bridge that we writers build below that nicely written piece of content.
Our work as a writer starts even before we begin to write.
We fish for the topics you are looking for. We think your questions and answer them.
We try to scoop your brain just by sitting behind the screen.
We jot down facts and opinions. Then, we decide the right style and presentation. During this, we think of our audience and try to provide them with the most value.
After picking a topic, we fetch the information around it. This includes finding authoritative sources of information, research papers and interviews.
Then, we squeeze credibility from all the gathered sources, add personal opinions as and when needed.
It is not as easy as it sounds. Before we start putting everything together, we make the right outline. It maps our ideas in an organised way so that you can follow smoothly.
This outline is not always as organised as introduction, body and conclusion.
This is where we apply the research and outline in writing. We conceptualise and formulate sentences, paragraphs and chapters (literally!).
The perfect version that you receive can be a result of at least 2 to 10 drafts that we may have prepared in our repository.
“If this isn’t final, what is drafting”, you’d ask.
It is the first and the bridging step is getting our ideas written and organised. We set the smooth transitions between sentences, paragraphs and chaptets. Read, re-read it at least 10 times before it becomes only satisfactory.
The revision step is a critical part. This is where we start to take what is satisfactory to what becomes extraordinary. We re-write, delete, organise, reorganise so that our content gives you the right information in the most convenient way.
We do it word to word, line to line, paragraph to paragraph and page to page.
This is where it gets the most painful. Because by this time, we must have read the content for more than 50 times, out loud!!
We give finishing touches to make sure the content is well sculpted.
And you know, our proofreading process has multiple stages!!!
Some of them are technical errors, typos, spelling errors, sentence formation errors, grammar errors, word errors and style errors.
After reaching here, something may go wrong. And we may have to redo these exercises all over again.
Before turning in or publishing our work, we take 10 other chances by asking our friends to read and give us feedback. After this adding and deleting a few more details if and when needed, we finally add the cheery on the top.
So at the end of the day, what you may complete reading in 3 minutes, may have taken our 3 hours to 3 days.
So, the next time you think that “It’s just writing” or “It’s just about thoughts, words, sentence and grammar”, please be kind and think again!